What’s up guys? It’s Thursday and this means it’s time for another cryptozoological creature! This one is from the USA and is called The Dover Demon!
The Dover demon was spotted in yes you’ve guessed it Dover, Massachusetts in 1977. During the years it has been an interesting subject both to cryptozoologists and ufologists, because judging from the descriptions of this creature it sounds like an extraterrestrial monster.
The first sighting was made by 3 17 year old boys who were out driving. They spotted what they at first thought was a dog, but when they drove closer the driver Bill Bartlett realized that the creature “was a bizarre, unearthly-looking creature crawling along a stone wall on Farm Street”.
There do exist some theories that could explain the Dover Demon, some more farfetched than others. Some speculate it could be a newborn moose, but other more interesting theories say it’s an alien visitor or a hybrid mutant ;)
What do you think about this case? Also what do you think about my new banner? :)
The real question is : Which drug were these teenagers on? Hahaha
SvarSletVery nice posts, i follow your blog...
SvarSletI think it should run for President...
SvarSletLooks like an alien to me...
SvarSletAlan Greenspan.
SvarSlethybrid mutant. lots of speculation here.
SvarSletcertainly looks like ET to me
SvarSletLooks like like an alien. Nice banner, it's nice to know the schedule :D
SvarSletwoh, weird... interesting monster
SvarSletoh ya 3 17 year old boys out driving around. Sounds like an extremely reliable source.
SvarSletit was spotted by three 17 year old's? it's a known fact that every 17 year old is on LSD all the time, and therefore everything they say should be dismissed as nonsense.
SvarSletas we all know, a group of 3 or more 17 year old men are always a reliable source.
SvarSleti wonder if it knows the jersey devil
SvarSletI love the banner. I really like how you actually have a schedule for these posts as well. Keep up the creepy stuff.
SvarSletLoos like an alien to me.
SvarSletmore monsters! I'm ready!
SvarSletNice drawing!
SvarSletugly alien
SvarSletscary man glad i don't live near dover
SvarSletHaha, I love your comments! Made my day! :P
SvarSletSo much fuss for the halucinations of some high teenagers.